July 2024

Module 9.1

Drawn from the study of CW Leadbeater, in this course you will learn the function of Astral Body in dream life. Know how dreams are produced, what are its types, and how one can maintain continuous consciousness in the astral plane while sleeping!

Module 9.1: Introduction to dreams

This section covers:

    1. How astral activity is distinct from dreams
    2. Why we don’t remember dreams?
    3. How can we remember dreams?
    4. Dreams classified by strength of its memory
    5. Consciousness in astral body must precede recall in physical brain
    6. How to improve recall of dreams?
    7. Impact of dreams on astral work
    8. Four States of Consciousness

Module 9.2: Factors responsible for producing dreams & types of dreams

This section covers:

    1. Introduction
    2. 4 key players
    3. Withdrawal of Self lets the players ‘free’
    4. Multiple players result into confused dreams

Module 9.3: Influencing the dreams life

This section covers:

    1. Thoughts before sleeping have an important bearing
    2. How to dream useful dreams
    3. Preventing etheric thoughts from entering the etheric brain

Module 9.4: Continuity in consciousness

This section covers:

    1. Purification is a must for continuous consciousness
    2. Aspirants who are ready are helped to move to next level
    3. Key requirements for continuity of consciousness
    4. Methods to move across various planes
    5. Complete command over astral body comes with significant powers
    6. Other ways in which astral body may be projected
    7. Seeing the projected astral body
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Module 8.1: Understanding sleep life and the astral body when physical body is alseep

This section is divided into two sub-parts. The first part explores sleep and tiredness, while the second part describes the astral body when the physical body is asleep

  1. Understanding sleep and tiredness

This part discusses

    1. Why we need sleep
    2. Emotional tiredness
    3. Mental tiredness

2. Astral body when physical body is asleep

This part covers:

    1. General observations
    2. Very primitive individual
    3. A relatively developed individual
    4. An individual at a still higher stage of development
    5. Highly developed individual

Module 8.2: Service in the astral plane and Astral Travel

This section discusses “service in the astral plane” and astral travel.

  1. Service in the astral plane

This sub-section covers:

    1. Introduction
    2. How to serve in the astral plane
    3. Nature of services that may be offered

2. Astral travel

    1. This sub-section briefly describes astral travel.

Module 8.3: Awakening in the astral plane

This section covers:

    1. How awakening to the astral plane is different from awakening in the astral plane
    2. Methods of awakening
    3. An awakened child on the astral plane
    4. Once awakened to astral plane, one remains so

Module 8.4: Sleep walking & trance

This section discusses sleep-walking and trance.

  1. Sleepwalking:

The situation of sleep-walking (somnambulism) may occur due to many
different reasons

    1. Driven by the soul
    2. Due to habit
    3. Being possessed by an external entity
    4. Astral body’s abnormally tight hold over physical body
    5. Unmanifest layers

2. Trance

    1. Trance is an artificially or abnormally caused state of sleep, closely related to sleep-life. In this sub-section, we delve into details of a trance.
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Module 7.1: Impact of physical life

This section covers:

    1. Correlation between physical and astral body
    2. Factors negatively impacting astral body
    3. Factors positively impacting astral body

Module 7.2: Impact of Emotional & Mental life

  1. Impact of Emotional Life

In the first section, we discuss

    1. Use of astral body
    2. Emotions and the astral body
    3. Far reaching impact of positive emotions and actions
    4. Special nature of impact on Causal Body
    5. Desire elemental and dealing with it (largely repeated)
    6. Impact of / on surroundings
    7. Protecting astral body

2. Impact of Mental Life

The mental life of a person is the third and most important factor which impacts the astral body in ordinary waking consciousness. In this section, we will see why the mind has the greatest impact on the astral body.

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You will be introduced to the various kinds of thought-forms and their appearance in this course, with colourful illustrations from the book on Thought Forms by Annie Beasant and C W Leadbeater. You are sure to love the images of several thought-forms created by various emotions and even some musical notes!

Module 6.1: Introduction to thought forms

This section covers:

    1. Basic description
    2. Strength and longevity of thought forms
    3. Thoughts forms v/s thought vibrations
    4. Harnessing the power of thoughts
    5. Reference book on thought forms

Module 6.2: Thought vibrations

This section discusses the two effects produced by every definite thought

    1. Thought vibration
    2. Thought form (also known as artificial elementals)

Module 6.3: Principles of creation of thought forms

This section covers:

    1. Constituents of thought forms
    2. Properties of thought forms
    3. Comparison with Ledyden jar
    4. Underlying principles of creation
    5. Determinants of life of thought forms

Module 6.4: Shape of thought forms

This section covers:

    1. Before we begin…
    2. Unclear thoughts / feelings form unclear cloud
    3. Specific thoughts / feelings form clear forms
    4. Thought forms of people with controlled mind and emotions
    5. Thought forms of Sound
    6. Musical sounds
    7. Other sounds
    8. Shapes of other thought forms
    9. Mechanical drawings of thought forms on paper
    10. Reference book on Thought Forms

Module 6.5: Types of thought forms

Currently, we may categorize the thought-forms into three types. This section discusses each of these three types in detail.

    1. Thought forms connected only to the creator
    2. Thought forms connected to another individual
    3. Thought forms that are not strictly personal

Module 6.6: Analysis of various phenomena

This section covers:

    1. How prayers work
    2. Meditating on the Master
    3. Hindu belief in 330 million Devas
    4. Appearing as visions to another person
    5. Thought forms of ancestors giving warnings
    6. Demonic thought forms
    7. Deliberate destruction of thought forms
    8. Painter
    9. Author
    10. Reader

Module 6.7: Impact of thought forms

This section covers:

    1. Thought forms directed at someone else
    2. Positive thoughts directed at someone
    3. Lasting impact of intense emotions
    4. ‘National’ Consciousness
    5. Unselfish thought forms
    6. Constant noise
    7. Harmful effects of harboring negative emotions
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Module 5.1: Astral force centres or chakras

This section covers:

    1. Definition
    2. Overview of Etheric Chakras
    3. Introduction to Astral Chakras
    4. Study of Individual Astral Chakras
    5. Communication on the astral plane
    6. Location-agnostic nature of astral powers

Module 5.2: Atomic web

This section covers:

    1. Introduction
    2. Causes for damage to the atomic web
    3. Types of damage to the atomic web
    4. Effect of damage to the atomic web
    5. Enabling safe communication through the atomic web

Module 5.3: Kundalini or serpent fire

This section covers:

    1. Introduction
    2. Functions of Kundalini
    3. Location
    4. Awakening of Kundalini
    5. Effect of premature awakening of Kundalini
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Module 4.1: Making feelings and sensations possible

This section covers:

    1. Introduction to Kama
    2. Astral body ties us to earthly life
    3. Kama enslaves the Free Will
    4. Prana + Kama = Breath of Life
    5. Development of Kama as per life kingdoms

Module 4.2: Acting as bridge between mind and physical matter

This section discusses:

    1. Communication between the mind and the body
    2. Introducing Manas
    3. Nature of Manas
    4. Working of Manas
    5. Introducing Kama-Manas
    6. Kama-Manas is built anew in each life
    7. Spiritual implications of Kama-Manas Entanglement

Module 4.3: Acting as an independent vehicle of action and consciousness

This section covers:

    1. Stages of development of man’s astral body
    2. Independent vehicle of action and consciousness
    3. Overview of stages and respective module
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