This is how you can develop your intuition
Did you know the unfortunate incident of 9/11 was predicted long before it happened? Have you heard stories of Simpsons predicting future? Or Nostradamus’ four liner poems becoming reality?
Have you ever felt strongly positive or negative about some situation, person or event, sensed that something isn’t right? And later your vague feelings proved to be true?
Then you have had an intuition!
Intuition is a part of “Extra Sensory Perception” or ESP (we will look at it in the latter part of the blog post). Intuition in common parlance is also known as Gut feeling.
A feeling that your loved one might fall sick or simply that you might have to cancel your flight, without knowing ‘why’ is an intuition but only if this is proved to be true in the coming future.
Excerpts from the writings of Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda say,
“Intuition is soul guidance; appearing naturally in man during those instants when his mind is calm…The goal of yoga science is to calm the mind, that without distortion it may hear the infallible counsel of the Inner Voice.”
According to theosophy, these feelings of Intuition come from the ‘Navel Centre’ or ‘Navel Chakra’ which is also called ‘Manipura’ in Sanskrit.
When the correspondent chakra in the astral body is awakened, the signal from Astral Chakra flows first through activated Etheric Chakra, and then reaches the physical body.
This is how you feel intuitive about certain things in your surrounding or somewhere far.
Your Navel Chakra is not the only chakra that gives you these feelings. For a more detailed break down into types of intuition, refer the chart below:
Extra Sensory Perceptions include a broader category as seen above. Since we’ve already discussed Intuition, let’s see what the other terms mean!
Clairvoyance is the ability to see things and receive visions from different planes of existence such as Etheric, Astral, Mental and Causal Plane.
The Centre between the eyebrows is termed as ‘Ajna’ in Sanskrit and the activation of this chakra in the Astral and Etheric body can result into Clairvoyant abilities at Astral Level. As the Ajna Chakra develops in corresponding bodies (like Mental and Causal Body) on different planes, the level of Clairvoyance also simultaneously develop.
You must have heard of few people who claim that they can reveal your past life. Some of these people possess the ability of reading Akashic Records.
Akashic Records are the memory seen on the astral plane, which is just a recurring reflection from other higher planes. Akashic Records are also called “The Divine Memory” since they include everything that has happened in the history of mankind.
Sometimes, a developed ability of Clairvoyance can allow you to perceive memories on the Astral Plane and sometimes these might just appear as mere glimpses. Since these memories are a recurring reflection on Astral Plane, they can be really hard to comprehend. On the other hand, perceiving Akashic Records on Mental Plane is much more accurate and complete in nature, to do so, it demands faculties pertaining to Mental Plane.
An Ordinary Psychometer needs an object connected to the past scene he/she wishes to see. A crystal or any other object can also help them focus and access the past scene that they aim to perceive.
To understand clairaudience better, you can read our blog on clairaudience.
Throat Chakra is called ‘Visuddha’ in Sanskrit. Awakening of this centre in Astral and Etheric body results in Clairaudience abilities. Clairaudience is the ability to hear voices, pleasant or unpleasant, from Astral Plane.
To sympathize with others is to feel what the other person or an entity is going through.
Anāhata, also called the heart chakra enables a man to sympathize with other astral entities and allows them to comprehend their feelings. Sometimes, the pain from the sufferer is also felt by the one who sympathizes.
One good way to start developing your intuitive abilities is through meditation. I personally prefer Grand Master Choa Kok Sui’s Twin Heart Meditation, which was awarded the first place at the Academy of Integrated Health & Medicine (AIHM) Annual Conference.