Module 19 – Invisible Helpers

Module 19 – Invisible Helpers

Module 19.1

Module 19.1: Introduction to Invisible Helpers & Types of helpers

In this video,

  1. The subject of invisible helpers is introduced to the readers with certain examples.
  2. Then, types of invisible helpers are discussed:
    1. Nature Spirits
    2. Adept / Master
    3. Devas
    4. Physically dead humans
    5. Alive humans who can easily travel on the astral plane

Module 19.2: Work on Astral Planes & Responding to calls

This section covers:

    1. Spiritual advancement of humans is the key astral work
    2. Examples of physical help
    3. Help for the deceased
    4. Influence on thoughts by a helper
    5. Other types of help
    6. Materialisation to perform work on physical plane

Module 19.3: Being a Helper

This section discusses how one can become “an invisible helper”

    1. Qualifications to be a helper
    2. Restrictive rules for a helper
    3. A regular worker forms a group on astral plane
    4. Rise of an invisible helper in the hierarchy
    5. Anyone can become a helper
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