Module 6- Thought Forms

Module 6- Thought Forms

Module 6.1

You will be introduced to the various kinds of thought-forms and their appearance in this course, with colourful illustrations from the book on Thought Forms by Annie Beasant and C W Leadbeater. You are sure to love the images of several thought-forms created by various emotions and even some musical notes!

Module 6.1: Introduction to thought forms

This section covers:

    1. Basic description
    2. Strength and longevity of thought forms
    3. Thoughts forms v/s thought vibrations
    4. Harnessing the power of thoughts
    5. Reference book on thought forms

Module 6.2: Thought vibrations

This section discusses the two effects produced by every definite thought

    1. Thought vibration
    2. Thought form (also known as artificial elementals)

Module 6.3: Principles of creation of thought forms

This section covers:

    1. Constituents of thought forms
    2. Properties of thought forms
    3. Comparison with Ledyden jar
    4. Underlying principles of creation
    5. Determinants of life of thought forms

Module 6.4: Shape of thought forms

This section covers:

    1. Before we begin…
    2. Unclear thoughts / feelings form unclear cloud
    3. Specific thoughts / feelings form clear forms
    4. Thought forms of people with controlled mind and emotions
    5. Thought forms of Sound
    6. Musical sounds
    7. Other sounds
    8. Shapes of other thought forms
    9. Mechanical drawings of thought forms on paper
    10. Reference book on Thought Forms

Module 6.5: Types of thought forms

Currently, we may categorize the thought-forms into three types. This section discusses each of these three types in detail.

    1. Thought forms connected only to the creator
    2. Thought forms connected to another individual
    3. Thought forms that are not strictly personal

Module 6.6: Analysis of various phenomena

This section covers:

    1. How prayers work
    2. Meditating on the Master
    3. Hindu belief in 330 million Devas
    4. Appearing as visions to another person
    5. Thought forms of ancestors giving warnings
    6. Demonic thought forms
    7. Deliberate destruction of thought forms
    8. Painter
    9. Author
    10. Reader

Module 6.7: Impact of thought forms

This section covers:

    1. Thought forms directed at someone else
    2. Positive thoughts directed at someone
    3. Lasting impact of intense emotions
    4. ‘National’ Consciousness
    5. Unselfish thought forms
    6. Constant noise
    7. Harmful effects of harboring negative emotions
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