Drawn from the study of CW Leadbeater, in this course you will learn the function of Astral Body in dream life. Know how dreams are produced, what are its types, and how one can maintain continuous consciousness in the astral plane while sleeping!
Module 9.1: Introduction to dreams
This section covers:
How astral activity is distinct from dreams
Why we don’t remember dreams?
How can we remember dreams?
Dreams classified by strength of its memory
Consciousness in astral body must precede recall in physical brain
How to improve recall of dreams?
Impact of dreams on astral work
Four States of Consciousness
Module 9.2: Factors responsible for producing dreams & types of dreams
This section covers:
4 key players
Withdrawal of Self lets the players ‘free’
Multiple players result into confused dreams
Module 9.3: Influencing the dreams life
This section covers:
Thoughts before sleeping have an important bearing
How to dream useful dreams
Preventing etheric thoughts from entering the etheric brain
Module 9.4: Continuity in consciousness
This section covers:
Purification is a must for continuous consciousness
Aspirants who are ready are helped to move to next level
Key requirements for continuity of consciousness
Methods to move across various planes
Complete command over astral body comes with significant powers